The Stoke Heath 60
There are 60 skills and experiences that we believe all children should have before they leave primary school. The SH60!
We give our children opportunities to complete the SH60 during their time at Stoke Heath Primary. The SH60 is divided into 6 themes.
Enjoying Learning, Celebrating Success
The children are given a booklet to record their SH60 achievements. They can also received a bronze, silver and gold award when they have achieved 20, 40 and 60 skills and experiences.
The Stoke Heath 60
Learn basic first aid.
Learn how to make a hot drink.
Tie your laces.
Learn how to play an instrument.
Teach someboady a new skill.
Learn how to say hello in another language.
Cook a simple meal.
Learn how to manage money.
Make and sell a product.
Use cutlery carefully.
Pack a suitcase or rucksack by yourself.
Use a telephone to speak to someone.
Make a shopping list and buy the items on it.
Learn how to tell the time.
Send an email.
16. Plant something and watch it grow.
17. Learn about an endangered animal.
18. Go on a journey using only your feet.
19. Make a home for a wild animal.
20. Pick fresh fruit from where it grows.
21. Recycle something and give it a new use.
22. Sleep in a youth hostel.
23. Stay in a tent overnight.
24. Toast marshmallows on a fire that you have made.
25. Climb a mountain.
26. Find a geocache.
27. Go on a train journey.
28. Climb a tree.
29. Jump in puddles.
30. Go on a night walk.
31. Star gaze.
32. Find your way with a map and compass.
33. Roll down a big hill.
34. Build a den.
35. Take on a class job.
36. Pick up litter in an outdoor space.
37. Visit an old people’s home.
38. Support a charity.
39. Take care of an animal.
40. Write a letter that makes a difference.
41. Complete a random act of kindness.
42. Read a story to someone else.
43. Be part of a school council.
44. See something at the theatre.
45. Visit a museum.
46. Watch live sport.
47. Go to the seaside.
48. Eat food from a different country.
49. Visit an art gallery.
50. Visit a farm.
51. Learn a poem by heart.
52. Join a library.
53. Visit a place of worship.
54. Run a mile.
55. Learn how to ride a bike.
56. Learn to swim.
57. Create a piece of art to be proud of.
58. Make a calm jat.
59. Write a journal, blog, or make a video diary.
60. Attend an after-school club.