History of Stoke Heath
A temporary school was set up on 10th September 1923, but it was on 14th January 1926 that Stoke Heath Council Infants School opened. The old log book records there being 378 pupils. The Head Teacher was Miss Bertha Evans.
The log books detail many interesting facts. For example, in 1928 the Head Teacher was paid £510 a year. It also records the school being used during an air raid in July 1941.
The photograph above is from April 1972. The children were going on a school trip to Holland! The children all wore sky blue hats so that they could be easily identified.
Mr Campbell has given us permission to share one of his school report cards (below) with you. You can see the different subjects studied together with a very brief comment on Fred’s achievements.
His father wasn’t at all impressed with the report!
Fortunately, Fred did pull his socks up and received a glowing report the following year.