We are Musicians!
Curriculum Intent
At Stoke Heath, we follow a personalised curriculum with support and guidance from the Voices Foundation which reflects and embraces the diversity of the heritage of our community. The curriculum is designed to develop skills, knowledge and understanding in a progressive manner that is done through listening, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing and composing across a wide variety of styles, traditions, historical periods and musical genres. Our intent is to foster a lifelong love of Music and understand the contribution to life that Music can provide. We believe that every child should have the opportunity to develop their musical potential and we aim to nature and encourage musical development across the school which will impact the wider community.
Learning to play an instrument
Children in Key Stage 2 will be taught the following musical instruments as part of their music curriculum:
Year 3 - ukulele
Year 4 - flute
Year 5 - keyboard
Year 6 - violin
These lessons are delivered by specialist Music teachers from the Coventry Music Hub.
There are also opportunities for the children to take part in after school music clubs, which range from learning to play an instrument, such as steel pans and the ukulele.