Behaviour Policy
“Pupils are happy and proud of their school. They are polite and well mannered, and
their conduct around the school is excellent. They enjoy learning and were
enthusiastic to talk to us about their work when we visited them in their classrooms.
They were confident when explaining what they were learning about. Classrooms are
calm places that contribute to a purposeful learning environment.”
We believe that good relationships between students and staff is the most important factor in good behaviour management and we expect staff to prioritise creating and maintaining these relationships with all the children in their care. Good relationships enable problems to be resolved using some of the principles of restorative justice which all staff have received training on. We use consistent rules, sanctions, and rewards in line with the school values and therefore expect these values to be evident in every part of the school.
Our behaviour policy aims to empower staff to be able to effectively manage low and mid-level behaviour problems themselves, whilst having the support of senior leaders, who will assist with the de-escalation of any high-level behaviours that may arise.
· We are learners - we want to achieve
· We are inclusive - we treat everyone equally
· We are honest - we tell the truth
· We are respectful - we think about everyone’s feelings, safety, and rights
Our rules are based on the Stoke Heath Values and can therefore be referred to when talking to children
For example, “Your behaviour is not very Stoke Heath at the moment because you are not trying your best.”
These rules are on display in every classroom and office and throughout shared spaces.
You can read our Behaviour Policy here.
Parent and Visitor Code of Conduct
At Stoke Heath Primary School, we believe that all members of the school community, including parents and caregivers, should work, study, or visit in a friendly and welcoming environment free from verbal or physical abuse. We are very proud and fortunate to have a very dedicated and supportive school community. At our school, the staff, governors, parents and carers all recognise that the education of our children is a partnership between us. The purpose of this code of conduct is to provide the expectations around the conduct of all parents, carers and visitors connected to our school. This code aims to clarify the types of behaviour that will not be tolerated and seeks parental agreement to these expectations. The code of conduct also sets out the actions the school can take should this code be ignored or where breaches occur. You can read our Parent and Visitor Code of Conduct here.