The Family Centre

The Stoke Heath Family centre offers support to the whole community, regardless of whether you have a child in our school or not. We provide holistic support for individuals of all ages, and our inclusive approach ensures culturally sensitive services that cater to the diverse needs of our community.

The Stoke Heath Family Centre offers various support services and opportunities for families, including educational courses, workshops, and assistance with school transitions and uniforms. We collaborate with local schools and community centres to provide comprehensive support.

The Early Help partnership with local schools and support agencies, aims to assist families, children, and young people by addressing issues early on. We offer drop-in sessions every Wednesday afternoon for additional support, helping with charity applications for essential household items and finance support.

The Stoke Heath Family Centre enables us to provide support for our families and our community through parenting classes, health workshops and a range of courses to further education. We want to help and support our community in as many ways as possible, so if it is learning a new skill, or popping in for a coffee, please join us!

We also have an excellent training room which is available for hire. Please contact the school office for more details and to make a booking.

We have worked closely with parents and our community to create a vision and values for our Family Centre.


We are Stoke Heath! We are a safe and happy place that is a home from home for the local community. We are the community spirit that supports our community to have a sense of belonging and to feel included. We are all on a journey to success through advice, help and support and enable the whole community to access education and lifelong learning.


We are open to everybody -  we are an open door to everyone for help and support.

We are inclusive – we aim to help to help everyone in the local community.

We are a safe space – we give everyone a voice. Somewhere they can be open, honest, listened to and feel safe and be safe.

We are lifelong learners – we provide access to advice, support, education and training to enable our community to gain new skills and develop.

The Stoke Heath Family Centre offers various support services and opportunities for families, including educational courses, workshops, and assistance with school transitions and uniforms. We collaborate with local schools and community centres to provide comprehensive support. The Early Help partnership with local schools and support agencies, aims to assist families, children, and young people by addressing issues early on. We offer drop-in sessions every Wednesday afternoon for additional support, helping with charity applications for essential household items and finance support.

Community Shop

Working in partnership with FareShare, we offer 10 items of food for £3.50 through our Community Shop.

Keep a look out for our half termly Newsletters that will keep you up to date with what’s on offer and give you money saving tips and suggested activities for the whole family during school holidays.